Popunder Advertising Networks

Popunder advertising networks are platforms that connect advertisers with publishers who are willing to display popunder ads on their websites.

Popunder ads are a type of online advertisement that opens in a new browser window or tab behind the current active window, making them less intrusive than pop-up ads.

Advertisers typically pay on a cost-per-view (CPV) or cost-per-thousand-views (CPM) basis, depending on the network's pricing model.
Ad Formats:
  • Push ads
  • Popunders
  • Interstitials
  • Native ads
  • Video
  • Banners
13 billion+ impressions daily
Min. deposit: $200
ExoClick is an innovative ad company which serves 13 billion geo-targeted ads a day. Available procing models are CPC and CPM.
Leave the email and get from all affiliate partners the exclusive offers and discounts!
Ad Formats:
  • Push ads
  • In-Page Push
  • Interstitials
  • Popunders
  • Direct click
1 billion+ impressions daily
195 countries
Min. deposit: $100
PropellerAds is a multisource advertising platform. Traffic is sold on a CPC, CPA and CPM basis. Also Smart and AI-based pricing is available.
Ad Formats:
  • In-Page Push
  • Popunders
  • Display banners
  • Social Bar
  • Native ads
1 billion+ impressions daily
248 countries
Min. deposit: $100
AdsTerra is a global advertising and CPA affiliate network. Traffic is sold on a CPC, CPA and CPM basis. It offers 100% unique direct and RTB traffic.
Traffic Nomads
Ad Formats:
  • Push ads
  • Popunders
  • In-Page Push
  • Native ads
  • Banners
7 billion+ impressions daily
Min. deposit: $50
With +10 years in the Affiliate Marketing industry
their mission is to provide advertisers with the BEST technology for ROI boosting.
Leave the email and get from all affiliate partners the exclusive offers and discounts!
Ad Formats:
  • Push ads
  • In-Page Push
  • Interstitials
  • Popunders
  • Banners
  • Native
  • Video
7 billion+ impressions daily
243 countries
Min. deposit: $100
TrafficStars is a powerful self-serve ad Network and ad exchange that specializes in non-mainstream traffic all over the world.
Ad Formats:
  • Push ads
  • Popunders
  • Native ads
  • In-Page Push
2billion+ impressions daily
Min. deposit: $100
EVADAV is a leading advertising network that specializes in delivering engaging and high-quality ads across multiple formats.
Ad Formats:
  • In-Page Push
  • Popunders
  • Push ads
  • Display banners
  • Video
  • Direct links
2billion+ impressions daily
Min. deposit: $50
HilltopAds is an easy sef-serve platform for advertisers and publishers that sell both mainstream and non-mainstream traffic.
Ad Formats:
  • Push ads
  • Popunders
  • In-Page Push
2 billion+ impressions daily
200+ countries
Min. deposit: $50
RollerAds is an advertising network with top-performing ad formats. It offers various pricing models: CPC, CPM, Smart pricing.
Ad Formats:
  • Push ads
  • In-Page Push
  • Popunders
  • Video
  • Banners
Ad Formats:
  • Push ads
  • In-Page Push
  • Popunders
  • Direct click
  • Native ads
6 billion+ impressions daily
240+ countries
Min. deposit: $100
5 billion+ impressions daily
220 countries
Min. deposit: $100
ClickAdu is a digital advertising network for web and mobile channels with excellent expertise, unique capabilities, and experience in revenue maximization.
RichAds is a global self-serve ad network, and ad tech company developed especially for performance-marketers.
Ad Formats:
  • Push ads
  • Popunders
  • Interstitials
  • Native ads
  • Banners
200M+ unique users per day
195 countries
Min. deposit: $100
AdCash performance-driven ad technology gives you all the features and tools you need to create highly-targeted global advertising campaigns.
Case Studies and Guides
Check out real case studies and guides on maximizing ROI, increasing profits, optimizing affiliate costs for the most popular verticals.
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Are you a media buyer or an affiliate marketer, a publisher or an RTB partner, an arbitrage expert or a newby in affiliate marketing? Stay tuned with fresh industry news and updates with All Affiliate Networks.
About Popunder Advertising
A popunder ad is a non-intrusive pop ad that appears in the full screen behind an active browser window. It’s like a popup ad but, instead of superimposing the ad in front of the main browser window, it hides the ad in a new browser window behind the current one. This means users only see a popunder ad after they’ve closed the main browser window.

Reports suggest banner or ad blindness affects up to 86% of online consumers. So in practice, less than 20% of people won’t notice or respond to display ads. Because they offer a clever and unexpected way to overcome this problem, popunders are sometimes referred to as the ‘sneakier cousin of the popup ads.

Popunder ads are also effective for driving traffic from users who find ads intrusive and set up ad blockers to stop them. For example, statistics suggest around 27% of Americans use ad blockers while browsing. And this extends to over 40% of users worldwide.
Popunder ads vs Popup ads vs Interstitials
Popunder ads:

  • window or tabs appear behind the page
  • will not interrupt viewers' experience
  • viewer only sees an ad after closing the window
  • good for retargeting
  • may be harder formobile users to see
Full Page Interstitial
Compliant ad format which consists of a full screen, interactive landing page triggered on a user’s click. This format loads between two pages of content and is immediately dismissible by a user.

Advantages of Interstitial Ads:
  • High Viewability and User Engagement
  • High Click-Through Rates

Disadvantages of Interstitial Ads:
  • Negative User Experience
  • High CPM
Popup ads:

  • window or tabs appear over the page
  • interrupts viewers' experience
  • gets immidiate attention from the viewer
  • good for brand awareness
  • can increase bounce rate
Best practice tips for effective popunders
Publishers and advertisers should consider several different factors when running successful popunder ads:

  • Go by GEO: Each region will have certain times to plan for that can lead to better conversions. For example, the best time to advertise in the US is from 8 pm.
  • Choose a simple offer and conversion flow: Keeping it simple is the key to converting new customers. In new GEOs, you should consider offering trials that can lead to installs.
  • Have a fast landing page: Your ads are your landing pages when it comes to popunder ads. So make sure they load fast. And make sure to test this out.
  • Use ad capping: Frequency capping can help you limit the number of times your target audience sees the same popunder ad.
  • Include a clear CTA: Your call to action should be clear, simple, and stand out.
  • Don’t over-optimize: Avoid adding too many traffic filters at the start. Take a step-by-step approach instead.
  • Choose the right rates: CPM pricing works well for long-term traffic. CPA may be better for faster conversions such as app installs.